Review of The Cloud

Star Trek: Voyager: The Cloud (1995)
Season 1, Episode 5
So so episode
11 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't one of the stronger Voyager episodes, this is largely because instead of having one main story and one secondary story it has one main story and three minor stories, none of which are bad but none are that exciting either. In the main story Voyager goes into a nebula hoping to find a fuel supply, instead they find they are trapped inside it and their power is being drained. Using phasers and torpedoes they manage to escape but soon realise that it wasn't a nebula but a giant organism which they have injured so Janeway decides to take Voyager back in an attempt to heal the damage they've done. In the minor stories Neelix is thinking about leaving Voyager as he thinks the captain is a little too keen to put the ship in harms way; Chakotay tries to help the captain by introducing her to her spirit guide and Tom creates a new holodeck program, which replicates a French bar, for the crew to relax in.

While there was nothing bad about this episode it never really gripped me as they never seemed in great danger and the secondary stories weren't to gripping either, the weakest being the introduction of the new holographic bar... although that might be down to my own bias against most holodeck based stories.
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