Review of Homewrecker

Homewrecker (2009)
Shot down by bad casting
16 June 2010
The premise of this movie is that a would-be actor insinuates himself into the life of a gay couple who have been signed to write and produce a cable reality show. There was plenty of room for this to go somewhere, but it just doesn't work, due at least in part to the fact that the wannabe actor, supposedly a former nerd who's become a hunk, isn't nearly as attractive as he (or the casting director) apparently thinks he is. He just comes across as a really annoying person, full of himself and tolerated for no apparent reason, who hangs around the nice couple's house and concocts lame schemes to break into their show. Alas, he's no Lucille Ball, nor is the film a "Man Who Came To Dinner." The story limps and stumbles along until, evidently sensing the end is near, it makes a desperate attempt to become a sort of '40s 'noir' (as directed by Douglas Sirk?), but it just doesn't make it. The supporting players are actually very good, but the 'star' is so unappealing that the film's good intentions never quite manage to inflate into anything worth watching.
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