two enthusiastic thumbs DOWN.
23 June 2010
This movie had many of the problems of low-budget, independent film, but lacked that spark or charming quirkiness that makes the best ones so special. Think early John Waters in terms of the style/quality of acting, delivery of lines, and ridiculous dialogue...but without John Waters' impeccable logic, credible costume choices, or sense of irony. Minus creativity points since a) this is 30-odd years after John Waters made those films, and b) McCarthy was probably attempting more of a Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez script with a Sin City vibe (he mentioned that he was inspired by comic books and graphic novels).

Out of a group of five people, including myself, we all gave "Cigarette Girl" two enthusiastic thumbs DOWN. Incredibly, this version (which felt interminable) may have even been significantly edited down from a LONGER version, unless the plot holes were just there to begin with. The whole experience (seeing this film's European debut at the Edinburgh International Film Festival) might not have been *quite* so cringey had McCarthy not been there in person...his Q&A after the screening must have been very sparsely attended, and not just because of the utter lack of ventilation, which made me wonder whether the whole experience was some strange social experiment. We wonder if it will become a cult classic just for being so bad, like "The Room." Too bad it doesn't have the acting or plot chops of "The Warriors," or the whimsical soundtrack of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show."

We figure *someone* must have liked this movie, in order to have included it in the EIFF. Fair enough- different strokes for different folks. However, something tells me its future as a wider release is doubtful. If it DOES come to a theater near you, I'd advise you to skip it...or at least go on bargain night...
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