Mad Max (1979)
Mad Max!!
2 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Title: Mad Max

Director: George Miller

Australia has never been received very good into many foreign countries because they love the genre "true blue", the Australian genre that is a bunch of rubbish, but many films like Animal Kingdom and, well, there aren't many new films that come up with something new and if there was, we would have to go into the past for a film called Mad Max. This film made history as being the first Australian (tons of emphasis on that proper noun) film made with a widescreen anamorphic lens. The films also became the best Australian film......since ever, only for the simple reason of (you guessed it) it having no true blue crap. Last, but most importantly, it made Mel Gibson became an international star and this was the starting point of a journey, a very complicated and criticized journey in fact, that would rocket off a successful career in acting and directing, as well. Mad Max is a very fun to watch, especially at the end, because who doesn't love watching heroes kicking the baddies ass*s by breaking bones, crushing them, shooting at them, and getting revenge through many painful and torturous ways. If you are feeling sympathy for the baddies don't because what they did to innocent Max was uncalled for and unforgivable. They killed his wife that put a hole in his heart and killed his baby son which tore his heart out. He will make them pay for what they did because he is MAD MAX!!!! The whole plot sounds pretty stereotypical and it kind of is but the desolate scenery and the different Australia makes up for the plot. The atmosphere is very dark and gloomy making it the best one-of-a-kind atmosphere for this film. The film was made with very little money and George Miller, the director of Mad Max Trilogy, actually had to work as an Emergency Room Doctor. The stunts look very cool, not stylish, and with the amount of money it was made with, you have to marvel and wonder on how on earth could they have made it? The film's first half is slow and the dialog is pretty lame to the bone. I didn't like the first half because it had no adrenaline like it did for the second half. The first chasing scene had to be the worst of the film and everyone shouting "Night Rider!" really made it look lame. The story paces up in the second half and makes you forget about the crap you had to endure for the first half. As I finished the film, Mad Max impacted me and my brain was telling me to give this film a perfect ten but after remembering about the first half, I finally decided to give it a six. One thing that I don't think was necessary was the classification for the film in Australia. It got an R18+ up here and in the United States it was the same thing. This film has less violence that Running Scared and that was rated MA15+.

In a dystopic future Australia, a vicious violent biker gang murder nicknamed the Nightrider, a cop's family and make his fight with them personal. He escapes from police custody by killing an officer and stealing his vehicle. Max pursues the Nightrider in a high-speed chase, which results in the Nightrider's death by fiery explosion. Following the dangerous chase, which resulted in injuries for a number of officers, the police chief warns Max who thinks nothing of it at the time that now the bandits are out for him because of the death of the Nightrider. The biker gang, which is led by the Toecutter plans to avenge Nightrider's death by killing MFP officers. Toecutter's young protegé, the biker Johnny the Boy, sets a trap for Max's close friend and fellow officer, Jim Goose. When Goose's vehicle is flipped over, the bikers burn him alive in retaliation for the Nightrider's death.

The action scenes are truly remarkable for the way it is portrayed on screen. It has a touch of both reality and unreality, and with that, the action scenes are more enjoyable. The Aussie accent is still there and more annoying than ever but the film's fun-ness will make you forget about that. The film was before I got it an unknown to me and I shunned it because it looked so boring but I urge you guys out there to forget about that and watch the film. I lowly recommend this to any Aussie and someone who loves watching their typical revenge film. My two favorite scenes had to be when: 1 - When Max's wife is running through the woods with the bikers' after her because that scene had a sense of horror and thriller stuck to it making it memorable. 2 - Max's reaction to his wife and daughters death because that part of the film made you hate the bikies as much as Max and for the way it was presented on screen.
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