If it were not for every cliché,this may have been a good film.
5 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I select films I want to see for many reasons.

An intriguing title many times will do it. The title fits that reason. Also the fact that former juvenile star Rick Schroeder has the lead role.

I did not know that this was based on a novel or is basically a true story of a murder & bigotry in a small town in rural North Carolina in 1970.

The director is Jeb Stuart ( I wonder if he is related to the US Civil War General ).

Now if the makers of this movie did not use every film cliché ever done,this could have been a good film..

Now I do realize, films of this nature will have clichés,BUT there is a cliché used in just about every scene.

Rick Schroeder is the only known name,the balance are either featured TV performers or unknowns. They are are capable.

Another problem is the length 128 minutes is about 30 minutes too long.

Ratings: **1/2 (out of 4) 67 points (out of 100) IMDb 6 (out of 10)
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