Review of Night Call

The Twilight Zone: Night Call (1964)
Season 5, Episode 19
8 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS** The mysterious phone calls started on a windswept and rainy night in Maine when wheelchair bound spinster Elva Keene, Gladys Cooper,answered her phone and all that came out of the receiver was crackling static. Not thinking much about it Elva got a call the next day with the same results but this time there was a voice on the other end of the line. Bearly audible the voice seemed to either be calling for help or just making groaning sounds like you would get from an obscene caller!

Things didn't get any better for Elva the next few days they in fact got worse with the phone ringing off the hook and this eerie sound like someone on his deathbed just about to expire coming out from the receiver when she picked it up! Finally almost on the brink of a nervous breakdown Elva told whoever was calling her to get lost and please stop bothering her! It was later that Elva finally got word from the local telephone company where the strange calls originated from: The local cemetery just outside of town!

***SPOILERS*** Driving out to the graveyard with her in house maid Margaret Phillips, Nora Marlow, Elva finds that the fallen telephone line had embedded itself on the grave of her late fiancée Brian Douglas who was killed in a car accident back in 1932! Just days before he and Elva were to be married! As we soon learn from Elva Brian just couldn't say no to her and when she insisted on getting behind the wheel he obediently, like a trained seal, let her. And with that he ended up going head first through the car windshield when Elva lost control of the automobile and slammed into a tree killing him and crippling herself!

***MAJOR SPOILER*** Elva feeling that she after some 30 odd years has finally been reunited with her long dead and beloved Brian impatiently waits for him to call her and gets one final massage from him. In death like in life Brian tells Elva that he'll always do what she tells him. And like she got him there, in his grave, by letting her take the wheel of his car 30 years ago he'll also respect her wish of getting himself lost, in the world beyond, and never calling her again! This at a time when a shut-in lonely and wheelchair bound Elva, who finally found out who was calling her, wants to hear from him most!
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