An excellent and eye catching doc that makes you feel for the poor as many people simply just don't have.
17 August 2010
I must say that of all the documentary films I've watched on HBO over the years this one was most touching and eye catching as after watching you really feel good to have what you have as many people simply don't as everyday life from sleeping, eating, paying rent, and having money is a constant struggle. As Alexandra Pelosi who's great as always captures the current times of the recession and economic struggles as she showcases the problems of her home state of California in this strong eye catching doc "Homeless: The Motel Kids of Orange County".

Being homeless is tough and one thing, but here Alexandra shows what life is like for poor kids growing up in Orange County, California. As it shows how and why these kids have to live in cheap rundown motels along the county where it's infested with crime such as gang activity and drugs. It proves a point one big problem in America is the wage factor as clearly with kids these families don't even make enough to afford a decent apartment so please raise wages! As these families can't afford decent food as shown are these children eating and living off of candy and snacks as proved people who are poor have bad diets leading to poor health. And these families can't even afford good schools which further disadvantages these kids from ever getting good jobs. And with all of the every present surrounding crime activity these kids are likely to end up in jail at a young age.

Really a sad film yet it shows what life in America is like for many be thankful if you have something it's sad this happens in America, but some have and so many don't as clearly the poor motel kids of Orange County, California don't.
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