Stupid Cops, Stupid Drug Dealers, Stupid Story
19 August 2010
I love NYC cop movies, don't get me started on classics like Fort Apache the Bronx and the French Connection. Well guess what, this movie ain't them by a LONG shot but it certainly tries to fake the funk.

The movie is not a total disaster. It's shot well, acted well, and has a cool vibe to it overall. Just check your brain at the door because this movie is more full of holes than the countless gun shot victims that pepper the film.

Police are not this stupid, rookie cops are not this stupid. Drug dealers are not this stupid! The movie portrays new cops like they are helpless babies. I'm sure they're wet behind the ears but come on. One of them is even supposed to be a marine returning from Iraq and yet can't handle Brooklyn after the year 2000. Not only that but they complain about starting pay being 20k a year. Starting pay for NYPD is 40k a year and DTs would be making over 90k! That would be plenty for Sal (who I assume is a DT) to put a down payment on a house which in his neck of the woods you can get for around 160k.

Brooklyn is one of the richest places in the US, most of it is very nice. Projects in Brooklyn, while usually elevated in crime are NO WHERE near this riddled with crime. Also if you've ever been to the PJs, they are teeming with people outside at all hours of the day except when cold as hell or raining. This should be a love letter to NYC, instead it sounds like a story written by someone who has never been there, has never met a drug dealer and has certainly never met a cop.

Oh I should point out that Wesley Snipes was excellent as was everyone else (5 points for cast). But seriously Sal (Ethan Hawke ) wear a friggen condom you've got like eight kids!
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