Supernatural: Everybody Loves a Clown (2006)
Season 2, Episode 2
The most frightening episode of the entire series!
9 September 2010
Everybody Loves a Clown is the scariest episode of the entire series. Why? Because it involve a clown.

In all seriousness, the episode is not only scary because it is about a clown, but the writing, directing, and the cinematography are spectacularly frightening, especially in that opening scene. The episode is sure to raise a lot of hairs, and I say, bravo to the show for that. The episode is simple in that respect, but it also shows Dean and Sam unable to respond to their actual feelings following the event in the Season 2 premiere that will change their lives. Ackles especially shines in this episode, and the only flaw in his performance is in the last shot of the episode, which seems a bit too controlled and unsubtle. However, other than that, this episode is one of the strongest of the season and to date, after all 5 seasons of the show, is the scariest.
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