The worst movie I've seen in 2010 so far...
11 September 2010
I'm not sure where to start when it comes to "Resident Evil : Afterlife", I went into this film totally unaware what it was about beyond it was the next Resident Evil film, I had avoided trailers and spoilers and sneak peeks successfully hoping that it would be a solid addition to the franchise, but at the same time was worried it would be more of what the third one served up, to my surprise the situation was much more dire as this is hands down the worse movie of the franchise thus far.

"Resident Evil : Afterlife" moves at such a slow and uninteresting pace that by the time you even see a "zombie" you are half asleep and wondering if you have been duped into a zombie less world. Don't fret this is not the case there are in fact billions and billions of flesh eating horde roaming the streets of the world, but you won't get to see many of them because the only time their interjected into the main story arch is when they need to dispose of a unneeded character, always in a sudden and unimaginative fashion and to the shock of myself with very little gore, but I will go into that later on in this review.

The story felt thrown together and just void of any effort, with so many cases of "six months later"," 2 years later" etc it's hard to figure out the time-line during the first watch. And the ending felt so tacked on I started to have flashbacks from the "House of The Dead" film as quality comparison.

Where the f*#k was the gore? Honestly the only real gore you see is when it comes to dispatching various umbrella baddies, most of the time when anything interesting occurs the camera cuts away and you are thrown away from the action into a new scene, very disappointing for any zombie fans out there hoping to see some people get eaten and such. The movie has a few nice special FX moments but not nearly enough to warrant seeing it, and to be fair some pretty awesome 3D scenes.

The over use of slow-mo, freeze frame, and bullet time made the movie feel like it would of been a better 45 minute short to be released as fan service, I honestly felt like I had been tossed into a time machine and transported to when "The Matrix" was first released and everyone and their mom was using the bullet time and slow-mo gimmick in their action flicks.

Over all I really disliked this film, from the bad use of outdated gimmicks, to the uninteresting disposable characters that felt like they were added in just so they could justify killing someone, to the sporadic time line the film attempts to create , it was all in all just a bad movie. My score on behalf of The Liberal Dead is a very weak and below average 3 out of 10 and award for most occurrences of "jumping the shark" I have witnessed in a single film to date.

  • Ted Brown "liberaldead.com"
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