The Traveler (I) (2010)
Generic, Uninspired Horror Fare
16 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Admittedly, I'm not much of a horror fan, however I watched The Traveler because I tend to like Val Kilmer's acting. Unfortunately, he has a tendency to pick some less-than-stellar scripts. This film is one of those less-than-stellar ones.

What little there is in the way of plot here is generic and predictable. The film relies on using the supernatural as a crutch to limp through it's hour and a half running time. It goes through the typical horror plot of "each character is killed one by one, by a killer out for revenge," however never having to justify how the deaths happened or even come up with creative ways to execute them (no pun intended) because everything can be blamed on he supernatural.

The Traveler is somewhat successful for the first act, as the camera work, music, and Kilmer's acting succeed in setting a creepy tone. However, once it is revealed (very early on, I might add) who The Stranger/Mr. Nobody is and what he's come for, there's really no reason to keep watching. You know he's going to kill all but one or two of the severely underdeveloped characters and somehow, also supernaturally, they'll figure out a way to stop him. Yawn.
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