The Traveler (I) (2010)
Yin - Yang
18 September 2010
I do not like horror movies, i find them funny not frightening.

That being said this one isn't half bad. The plot is OK, it has nice twists to it and a couple of actors did a nice job. However i mark it as a 3/10 and that's because most of the scenes where something happens are badly portrayed, you don't need to pay attention to see that they are sub par. Aside from Val and Det. Black who did a good job, the rest of the cast are a bunch of amateurs and dragged the movie down with them.

Do not expect a great movie but it is fun to watch. If seeing a lot of gore and death makes you happy or you are in the mood to get spooked out by "Nobody" go ahead and watch it, if not , stay away, u will not like it.

Val - 9/10 Det. Black - 7/10 Movie overall - 3/10
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