Review of Echo

Dollhouse: Echo (2009)
Season 1, Episode 0
Mostly a curiosity item - the "official" pilot is better
19 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"Echo" is the unaired pilot of "Dollhouse", and can now be found as an extra feature on the Complete Season 1 DVD of the series. I've read some people's opinions that the TV network disapproved of this pilot because it was too "demanding" and forced Joss Whedon to make something more "accessible", so he did "Ghost" as the official pilot instead. This, frankly, doesn't make much sense to me: of the two episodes, "Ghost" is certainly the more demanding one, because it attempts to set up this world AND tell a full story at the same time, while "Echo" spends most of its time simply trying to explain the premise and the rules. Much of "Echo"'s footage was actually used in later episodes - and often more functionally: for example, Adelle's enthusiasm and strong belief in the value of the Dollhouse's services makes a powerful contrast with her future disillusionment in "Epitaph One"; the Victor = Lubov twist is also given away too early here, as is the first (altered) encounter of Ballard with Echo. Maybe the longer and more meaningful talks between Boyd and Topher could be considered a good addition, but mostly this episode is of curiosity value. **1/2 out of 4.
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