"My hands are the only weapons I use"!
21 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I think giving this film a 'five' rating is probably equivalent to an eight or nine in most other genres, which is to say, it's probably better than most sword and sandal epics you're bound to come across. That's not saying a whole lot, you really have to be in the mood to pull one of these out of the pile that's been accumulating on your video shelf. At least this one has a semblance of continuity, but I WAS surprised that Hercules (Mark Forest) had to defeat each of the evil brothers not once, but twice before the thing was over. All the while as scenes managed to change abruptly from one to another without much concern.

My favorite line was probably "Why are you moving those trees?", matter of factly requested by the young Alexander during one of Hercules' early strong man scenes. That about set the tone of the story in a goofy sort of way, as Herc used the gigantic trunk to knock riders off their horses with impunity. I thought someone, maybe Sayan (Ken Clark) might have figured out he could move faster on his horse than Hercules carrying a tree. I guess not. You know, if I didn't know better, I might have mistaken Sayan for a Romulan, what do you think?

There was another eye opener too. Right after that first battle with the Mongols, the kid says he's hungry and Herc pulls what? - a half loaf of bread, or a giant mushroom from behind a rock. What was that????

Anyway, that's how this thing goes until it's over. These Hercules movies will never be candidates for a Mensa convention, but they are fun to watch in small doses. I've now had my fill for this year.
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