Saw 3D (2010)
An unforgettable franchise...
2 November 2010
This movie was Great! Only fans would love this ending. I went and watched it last weekend in 3D. To me it was probably up there with the first one. I'm still stunned by the end. The acting was great, The traps were clever, The new characters were acceptable for the SAW universe. The 3D was amazing...I didn't expect it to make Saw look great. All the questions were answered greatly. Jigsaw is now the best anti-hero ever. SAW is the best horror series to erupt into an unforgettable franchise. The die hard fans of this series will deeply love this movie. This has been the biggest treat for Halloween to me. I went in expecting to have 3D ruin the story of my favorite series...but it made it more enjoyable then I thought. It was really clever and ingenious. Now here for the past 7 years, our Halloween tradition of this series never failed to show us how clever it was.
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