Review of Skyline

Skyline (2010)
1=AWFUL...One AWFUL Film
21 November 2010
Only 1 in 12 thought this was a good film. 1 in 4 thought this was an awful film. I am one of those who couldn't believe my senses. It was that dumb and that bad and that unsatisfying. Awful. I kept waiting for something intelligent to happen. It never did, and then suddenly it just ended, just as suddenly as it began. I felt cheated out of my money and my time. The film does nothing, says nothing, proves nothing, and goes nowhere. In two years, this will be a dollar-store special. Once upon a time, a vacuum cleaner from space cleans up Los Angeles. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for cleaning up Los Angeles. Thank you for wasting my time. Thank you for making me write ten lines for this preposterous web site that requires ten lines for a critique. Whatever happened to verbose and concise. Verbose is bad. Concise is good. Why ten lines when you can say it all in five. So there it is.
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