McCarthy-era significant; 1953 or 1955?
1 December 2010
News, BBC , co, UK (slash)2 (slash)hi (slash)uk_news (slash)magazine (slash)5378872.stm Around a year ago (mid to late 2009) in Walmart's $5 DVD bin was a "thick" DVD case (suggesting more than one disc, I THINK 32 episodes(?)) of The Adventures of Robin Hood, case notes saying from 1950s TV. I didn't recall the program personally. I thought maybe was the year(s) family TV "broken" 1951-1953 or so -- likely only a 69c tube, but TV left facing the wall for SOME time including early Micky Mouse Club years. But since I DIDN'T recall the program, left it lie. Nearly a year later I heard a BBC program addressing a Robin Hood TV program, the first UK-produced show on American TV, which hired as writers many Hollywood writers blacklisted because of the McCarthy era "Commie hunts." AHH! "Historical significance" could be interesting to add to DVD collection. But NOW no longer in Walmart at ALL, and online sites list as "out of production" or such. Yet Nov.'10 found an extra-thick case "all 143 episodes" among Cracker Barrel restaurant "memorabilia" DVDs; $19.95. But unsure whether this WAS "the" Robin Hood, I postponed purchase. STILL unsure, IMDb lists both IM database title 0047706 (1955~1960; 143 episodes) AND IM Db title 0423726/ (1953) -- ALSO UK produced, and to MY thinking, more the time-period **I** recall for HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) hearings on TV. News, BBC , co, UK (slash)2 (slash)hi (slash)uk_news (slash)magazine (slash)5378872.stm speaks of the Robin Hood and Hannah Weinstein as producer (thus apparently referring to the 1955~1960 version). I'm still unsure "which is which," but silverscreen888 detailed review/remembrance at IM database title 0047706 user comments with reference to Maid Marian's archery skills tweaked a memory; maybe I DO recall a bit of the 143-episode version. A trip back to Cracker Barrel to get their Mill Creek multi-disc edition is in order.
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