Not really terrific BUT-- stood out among the later Famous Studios cartoons
25 December 2010
Planet Mouseola is an example of the later Fanmous Studios cartoons, where Seymour Kneitel and Izzy Sparber were among the few familiar faces in that enterprise. It was filmed in 1960, after the last of the Popeyes were produced, and had outer space as is theme (as the title implied). THAT was a prevalent theme in cartoons at that time, with the United States' forging ahead with the space program. Trouble is that that theme was so repetitious as to turn some people off! Nevertless, this cartoon stood out, characters being a cat visited by a mouse who said he was from another planet-- the Planet of Many Mice! (He really put a wine glass over his head to SIMULATE a space helmet.) The mouse put the feline through a lot of tests, finally put him in a rocket that got him out of the way. Famous Studios did not set the world on fire with Planet Mouseola, but made a more amusing cartoon related to outer space than a lot of others with that theme, and was not a mere fill-in-the-blanks approach to cartooning with standardized story themes, prevalent among the newer Famous Studios cartoon
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