Ridiculous !!! Like a cheap commercial about a product that no one will not understand what it is the product finally.
25 December 2010
Whats all about ? Why so many people gave so many high votes to this movie? I agree that it is a really nice try from the kids to play to their first movie, also i agree that it is a nice and very interesting novel with many possibilities to become true in the near future but... as a film movie it is really ridiculous and i think that it is watchable for kids under 13 years old not for adults and serious people.Also for the action that many people mentioned there's no action at all where you people seen this action and i haven't seen it? The action was only a fuel track explosion nothing more nothing less.The photography was nice also typical Australia nature beauty and the music nice for a suspense film but... without the action that was the music referring at. So a lot of agony and waisting time and waisting music for something that never came out.The only thing wasn't waisted during this film was the popcorn...it was like the first part of a serial with 30 episodes and you ll miss the rest 29 episodes for sure...Thank you for reading my review 4/10
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