How I Met Your Mother: Bad News (2011)
Season 6, Episode 13
This show supposed to be funny!
7 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
HIMYM has ups and downs until this time. Sometimes writers could not produce as funny as before or they did some repetitive things. But also, they were doing a fine job about entertaining audience. I should confess this I hate all dramatic episodes of HIMYM, for example Ted-Stella thing has never worked out and she left him at the altar, that was dramatic and may be good for other shows, but this is a comedy! And finally, writers decided not to write funny things anymore. It was not already as funny as before, now they are trying to make us cry and they fail! Heart attack, is that the pure and original thing that you can find! I want to laugh when I watch HIMYM. Actually, I want to laugh until I fell off the couch. I want to laugh until neighbours get annoyed. I want to laugh until I said "Enough, I do not want to laugh anymore.". Because, I used to laugh just like that in previous seasons. But now, they are trying to make us sad. This is pathetic! Cancel this show or it is going to be sillier than ever.
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