Battlestar Galactica: The Living Legend (1978)
Season 1, Episode 10
Warriors In Space
16 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
To the astonishment of everyone, The Galactica discovers the Battlestar Pegasus, believed destroyed 2 years earlier, has survived, and the charismatic Commander Cain, equally stunned to learn about The Galactica and its refugee fleet, sees their reunion as a turning point in the war.

After 4 so-so episodes in a row, THIS is the point where this series finally began to live up to its potential. I remember being enthralled the first time I watched it, and now, decades later, I can hardly express how excited I was to sit thru this again, having watched all the episodes leading up to it in sequence.

Glen Larson, always the best writer on McCLOUD, proved he still had it with this script, a complex story where almost everyone gets a moment to shine (except maybe Athena, who's only seen briefly on the bridge). Lloyd Bridges cuts an imposing figure as Cain, BG's answer to George Patton or Douglas McArthur-- a brilliant, skilled tactician who nevertheless winds up clashing with superior officers-- in this case, Adama, who has trouble convincing Cain that fighting and trying to conquer a planet to use as their base is just out of the question. When Cain pulls a stunt in an attempt to force his situation, he's relieved of command, causing his crew to stray close to mutiny!

Among the Pegasus crew is Cain's headstrong daughter Sheba (Anne Lockhart, daughter of June-- as if having Jonathan Harris as a regular wasn't already enough of a "LOST IN SPACE" connection). Cain proves what he's made of when he tells Sheba, "I may be the most hard-headed warrior in the Colonies, but I'm also the BEST warrior in the Colonies, and I'm NOT about to abandon our people when they need us most!" Later, when the attack Adama feared happens, Cain gladly admits he was wrong, at which point Adama simply tells him it's Cain's tactical skills they need right now.

Adding to the complications, it turns out Cain & Cassieopia were very close before he disappeared, and now Starbuck fears he may lose the woman he feels closest to (though he refuses to admit it). My favorite line in the entire story came from Boxey, when he said, "Poor Starbuck. Oh well. At least he's still got Athena. And Mirrian and Noday and..." I was laughing SO HARD when he said this! (I really like this kid.) Come to think of it, since the girl in the previous episode was named "Miri", maybe her family did change their mind and decide to come along after all?

I loved the bit where Adama and Tigh discuss the uncanny way that the entire fleet's fuel ran out just before they crossed into more Cylon territory, and Adama suggests it was "providential". Lorne Greene's character on the series was not only their military and political leader, but their spiritual one as well. Despite Cain's problems following anyone's orders but his own, Adama believes men like Cain are something people really need, to look up to, when things are as bad as they are.

Meanwhile, Baltar, aching to put the finish to Adama since he was left behind on Kobol, has reached a peak in his megalomania, planning a victory celebration before the fight has even started. When Lucifer suggests it might be a good idea to win FIRST, Baltar mentions "You're not the only I-L series who dreams of standing besides the greatest warrior the empire has ever seen!" This is clearly a reference to Spector in the previous episode. I love how with so much going on, Glen Larson manages to slip in continuity references like that, quite an unusual thing for any network show from the 70's.

When the fight finally breaks out, for the first time GALACTICA starts to really resemble an episode of STAR BLAZERS, as fires break out on both the bridge and one of the landing bays. But the other funniest line in the story comes from an unexpected source-- one of the usually-dim-witted Cylons. As Baltar is gleaming over the impending destruction, his pilot tells him, "Sir, I really think you should take a look at the OTHER Battlestar." What a moment for a cliffhanger!!!

I'm glad this was shown as a two-parter. I couldn't fit all my thoughts into just ONE review!
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