Review of The Boys

The Boys (1998)
Westie scumbags laid bare
15 February 2011
None too unrealistic account of westie sons in a fibro house with a chicken wire fence. Bang in the stubbies, daggy haircuts, goatees, and scabby jeans and that is just about the whole package. Based loosely around a horrendous crime, the film really shows the power of fear and how a sinister bully can infect and create an atmosphere for all to choke on. Brett is well acted and Jackie has i right when she says they all felt safer when he was in jail. The unrealistic part is that all the sons have their liberty and there is not an ankle bracelet to be seen. You could say that being a westie means you don't have a chance but Toni Collette comes from sunny downtown Blacktown so it seems some get out. That she was back in a washing shed for this flick was mildly amusing.

Not a cheery film by any means, more a hopeless account of a funny kind of low bottom snobbery - you all think yer better than us cos we're scum and we don't want yer pity but what chance do we have cos no one does nuthin for us.
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