Shaky-cam detracts from an otherwise great movie
16 February 2011
If you have not grown up playing video games, it might be a bit hard to sit through this movie. The director(s) of this trilogy adopted a technique of mounting the camera on a sort of tuning fork which vibrates with an amplitude & frequency proportional to the intensity of the action on the scene at any given point of time. It starts out OK with 'Identity' and maxes out in 'Ultimatum'. At the end of the third movie, I felt that I had just sat through a period of turbulence on an airplane and threw my guts up in the multiplex restroom.

However, the movies themselves are tightly plotted and enjoyable, and Matt Damon's performance is awesome in all three. What a pity they had to ruin it with the shaky-cam. If some enterprising soul finds a way to strip out the shaking, I'll pay money to buy the trilogy on DVD.
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