Confessions (2010)
Hard lessons for a strange school
27 February 2011
This movie is basically a revenge tragedy.The story is told through the point of view of various characters and it becomes clear that all except one have only a part of the full picture and it keeps the tension going up till the end. The acting is good all round and it is atmospherically shot on DV. It seems to me however that the story overall is unconvincing. I believed in Mtsu's icy focus but could not believe that such a focus could be directed at 13-14 year olds. I could not believe in boy B's breakdown, nor in boy A's psychological state which seems to suggest a transparently simple origin leading in one easy step to master villainy. The elements of the plot seem to be there more to keep us guessing at an intellectual level rather than to get us to engage with the characters emotionally, in fact most of the telling of the tale seems to deliberately and uselessly disengage us, except perhaps for the input of one doomed teenage girl. Certainly an interesting film and worth a watch if you like POV stories (I do) but ultimately unsatisfying.
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