Harry Brown (2009)
Harry Brown is politics. It's not Michael Caine playing Dirty Harry.
11 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, now to get to the nuts and bolts of Harry Brown.

Michael Caine was interviewed around the time of this films release, and in this interview he talked about the very real issue of thousands of young people being thrown on the political scrap heap by the politicians, and that his film, Harry Brown is about these type of youngsters.

What annoys me about Michael Cain, is that he is a known Thatcher supporter, and it was Thatcher in the 80's who got rid of our manufacturing bases, who destroyed our infrastructure, who got rid of our council houses, who took hope away from millions by removing their jobs, making millions of adult men and woman unemployed, and on life long benefits for millions.

Michael Cain is on record as saying that he grew up on the type of kitchen sink estates he plays Harry Brown in, but when Maurice Micklewhite ( Michael Caine's real name ), was a young boy, Thatcher was not in power.

This film should not be about pensioner Harry Brown going on a rampage among young thugs, to find out and gain revenge on who murdered his friend.

The real issue in this film is an indictment of 18 years of right wing Tory rule under Thatcher and Major, and a further 13 years under Blair and Brown who did nothing to reverse the national decline they inherited in 1997, a country in tatters, and youngsters with no hope.

Im not stereotyping all youngsters as thugs. I am saying that the thugs stereotyped in Harry Brown, including Michael Cain's interview comments, are a replica of a lost generation in survival mode, due to breakdowns in family life.

Michael Cain's political interview comments have brought forth this review of Harry Brown.

I believe it is a shame that this film revolved around Harry Brown's revenge, and the violence which came forth was typical and predictable.

Michael Cain could have made a film with a political edge, to make us think, but he didn't, like the politician's, Michael Cain chose the easy way out. Violence in a modern Britain.
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