Review of The Loners

The Loners (2009)
Dog Day Afternoon in Israel
12 April 2011
Israel as portrayed in this movie (and not inaccurately, really) is a community where people feel great solidarity with one another. The loners after whom the movie is named are boys who are enthusiastic about earning an honorable place in society but have made mistakes, have become excluded, and now want nothing more than to get back in. Even when they take hostages, they believe they can strike a deal that the other side will honor because they believe so deeply in the social contract. The commander of the rescue action, like some benign and pragmatic Shakespearean king, wastes no time blaming anyone but wants only to restore order as gently but decisively as possible. The hostage takers-- one more dominant and daring, the other a friend and follower much like in Dog Day Afternoon-- are obviously more of a threat to themselves than to anyone else, and we sympathize with their hopeless campaign while dreading the violent turn it might take.
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