Review of Rubber

Rubber (2010)
a self-conscious mix of references and commentary
16 April 2011
More likely to entertain fans of '80s slashers, body horror, Hauser, electronic scores, cranial 'splosions and such. The opening monologue references TX Chainsaw..., E.T., The Pianist and other films as containing an essential component of, "no reason". This is by way of announcing the self-conscious mix of references and commentary upon blockbuster, art house and genre conventions to follow.

It also introduces the premise and 4th wall breaking to come. The stalk and psychic kill scenes that follow get repetitive quickly, playing on a briefly enjoyable mix of sub-Red Balloon inanimate object anthropomorphization and voyeuristic slasher/prey mechanics.

Perhaps the old 30-50 minute featurette format would have better suited the material, if not the short film. The on-screen audience is too stupid to live - not necessarily a giveaway of general contempt or absurdist pretension. Although some late gags by Hauser in a, "classically trained" ball cap do liven things up a bit.
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