Good minimalist portrayal
13 May 2011
How do you take a 1000+ page novel and reduce it to the key events and discussions? Well, like this movie does it.

Let me state up front that I am an Objectivist, so you can factor in some bias you might suppose I have. On the other hand, Objectivists are famous for trying to remove emotional bias from their words and deeds.

I rate the story itself a 9, and the acting, production values, etc., a 5 resulting in my 7 score.

One of the things I liked about how the story was handled was the minimalist approach. Important ideas should not need a lot of fanfare, they need to be experienced for what they are. It kind of reminded me of Dances With Wolves. There is not tons of exposition, you have to glean to principles from simple events.

I think the acting by the principal actors was "good enough" for an indie production. I also think that is is good that the principal actors were physically attractive, after all, these are Rand's archetypal heroes.

Very funny to see Armin Shimmerman. As many of you know he played "Quark" the Ferengi on Star Trek DS9, who make a religion out of profit. Here he plays one of the looters, a nice tongue in cheek approach.

If you are afraid of the juggernaut that is the federal govt coming for everything you have, everything you are, I recommend you support these small voices of protest, because we might at least delay the complete takeover of our lives.

I strongly recommend the novel Atlas Shrugged, as well.
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