fun fun fun
15 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, for my first 3d experience this movie was perfect. From the beginning with meteor and comet trails floating around me, it was great. Sorry I almost forgot the pot leaves. Seeing the same actors again was also good, they all did a good job. The bong of course stole the show, if paraphernalia could win an Oscar it has to be him. I recommend this movie to everyone. Everyone in the theater had a great time.

The movie festival itself was fun. It was nice to see Puppetmaster and From Beyond on the big screen, actresses barbara Crampton and Charlie Spradling were both stunning and a lot of fun in there part of the show. C.B. was not there but Ry did a good job in his absence. The theater itself was a nice place to see a show also on the marquis was showing fri and sun Jane Eyre the book is featured in the movie The Creeps. It was a great fullmoon weekend. Thanks Charles Band and Fullmoon.
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