Friends: The One Where No One's Ready (1996)
Season 3, Episode 2
The One Where No One's Ready
23 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is an original episode, different from the rest of friends because it is done about 20 minutes, just like the episode time. This has been done by Seinfeld before and worked very well in Friends

I really like Joey and Chandler's fight over the chair. Two of them have a great chemistry and it is shining in this episode

I also liked the story of Monica and Richard's message machine. *I had the most fun watching it and everything that was happening.

But I absolutely hated the ending. Why was Ross apologizing to Rachel? SZure, I understand why Rachel and Monica were insensitive to Ross and getting ready fast, because there would be no fun episode without it. But in the end it should have been Rachel who apologized for being nasty and selfish, not the other way around. And Ross should have never said to the rest that he doesn't care of they come, he cares only about Rachel coming. What kind of a friend is that. I am surprised they just let it go and still went to the event
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