I'm Glad I Saw This....
5 July 2011
....on my 15.6'' PC screen. Sorry, but it really doesn't deserve better than that. I only watch movies from cam source when I suspect they won't be very good, and unfortunately, I was more than right about this one. Only some directors get me to a Cinema these days, but I also enjoy watching good CGI movies there, for the spectacle we get with sound effects. Transformers 1, although with flaws, was a movie I enjoyed watching a lot in the big screen. Transformers 2 destroyed the good feelings I had for the first movie. Transformers 3, makes the 80's cartoons I used to love as a kid, look like Citizen Kane. The story is almost a copy of the previous movie, and it's so, so bad. It goes from one set to another, with no sense or point. We never care for a moment about any caracther, not even my beloved Optimus Prime. Man, in the cartoons even the Decepticons had a lot of personality. Megatron was tough, but Starscream was a badass, I always loved the disputes between him and Megatron. Michael Bay seems to wannabe a James Cameron like director, but it's far from it. In Cameron's movies, we always have a link to the caracthers, then we get the action and CGI as a part of the process. It's like building a house, you've start at the foundations, and only then you place the nice design on top of it. He also seems to add now a few elements of slow motion, alias, Zack Snyder style, but again, it just doesn't add up If you liked Transformers 2, you should go and see this movie, as it's almost a rerun of the same. If you think Transformers 2 was a empty soul with a overdue makeup, skip this one into TV or PirateBay. Getting a ticket for it is just asking Hollywood to make them more like that. My wish is that the series get a reboot in 10-15 years from someone like Cameron, or even who knows, Christopher Nolan, that would be asking too much, but great nonetheless Shame on you, Bay
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