Cyber Bully (2011 TV Movie)
17 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is too over the top and takes itself too seriously.

I understand the point the producers of this movie are trying to push across, that cyber bullying is real and is a problem. However I think the way they try to portray this problem is completely out of the realm of possibility, and could have been portrayed in a different, more believable way.

First: The main character(Taylor's) brother posts a fake status on her Clickster(this movie's Facebook imitation) page. I am sure everyone knows someone who got onto someone else's Facebook page and posted a fake status trying to be funny and joke around. Hell, when I was in college, me and my friends would post fake statuses on other people's pages all the time. None of us ever took it seriously and simply deleted it. It's not a big deal.

Second: Most people aren't idiots and can discern the difference between a real happening and a fake rumor. Apparently in this movie every single rumor is 100% true and believed by everyone. In reality, people have common sense and can tell if someone is saying something that isn't true in a cheap attempt to tear someone down.

Third: This movie completely ignores the concept of privacy settings. Pretty much any social networking site has privacy settings and the ability to block people. This is absent in this movie and is a complete plothole. Yeah, people add "friends" they don't know in real life, but that is their problem. If you choose to do that you deserve whatever happens.

Fourth: The girl who is bullied in this movie is a somewhat attractive, healthy and fit teenage girl. I don't see why she gets bent out of shape. If you want to raise awareness about cyber bullying, maybe portray someone being harassed because of their weight, or their flawed appearance, or something else that is a bit more hard hitting and personal. There are worse things in this world than being called a slut.

Fifth: Apparently the girls bullying Taylor have no lives. They are always online on the Clickster website in the movie, and always diverting their attention to Taylor and making her feel bad. Obsessed much? Real life bullies are not completely obsessed like this.

In conclusion I think this movie was an over the top, overly dramatic and failed attempt to raise awareness about cyber bullying. It is not believable, and anyone who grew up in the age of social media knows that this isn't how it is. I think if the movie was made in a more realistic way, it would be even more unwatchable, so I think trying to raise awareness about cyber bullying through a movie isn't a good idea.

Watch only if you want to point and laugh about how overly dramatic it is and how serious it takes itself.
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