Red Dog (2011)
15 August 2011
Nobody, and i say -NOBODY-can tell the whole story of Red. He touched the hearts of so many people it is impossible for anyone to give a full description of his whereabouts. Red made his mark in Dampier in the 70,s and i was diving there in the late 70,s and again in the 80,s. Never met the dog but had a few beers with the locals (especially truckies) who told me of their pick ups with him. Clever bugger used to ride with them and eat the scraps from their hamburgers etc. (not to mention the truckies that bought him one anyway) The road houses also got to know red and sometimes just local travelers that knew him would take him from town to town.He was a legend. Great to see that roadshow finally did this movie. Definitely a dog lover movie, but for me-well a pull at the heart strings. Loved the -Red-CAT throw in.LOL
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