For Fans of Early Cinema
17 August 2011
Luis Martinetti, Contortionist (1894)

This early Edison kinetoscope isn't going to be for most people but if you're a fan of early cinema then it holds enough historical interest to make it worth viewing. Luis Martinetti, forgotten today, shows what he can do on the flying rings as his acrobatic act is put on film for people to be able to view over a hundred years after it was made. While watching these very small movies I often wonder what those who took part in it would think if they were brought back and told that film buffs would still be viewing these films all these decades later. At just 25-seconds no one should be expecting any type of "story" or "performance" but that really doesn't matter but what's so interesting here is the bit of history we the viewer get to see. Martinetti is certainly forgotten today but thanks to Edison we at least get to see someone who people back in the day enjoyed and flocked to see. The film basically features him doing a few tricks on the flying rings and that's it. Nothing ground-breaking but it's still fascinating for fans of early cinema.
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