Second Chance (1953)
The Stars Hanging By A Wire Thread
27 August 2011
Second Chance finds Robert Mitchum as a boxer picking up fights in Mexico with manager Roy Roberts hoping for a comeback in America. He runs into Linda Darnell who is a Virginia Hill like mob moll who the Senate Racketeering Committee wants to testify. She's fled to Mexico, but the syndicate boss whose girl friend she was doesn't want her testifying. He sends hit man Jack Palance after Darnell to make sure she doesn't testify.

But Palance has his own ideas concerning Linda and his jealousy is aroused when he sees her being drawn to Mitchum. She at first is just looking for protection, but romance soon takes over with them and jealousy just rules Palance.

For Mitchum and Darnell Second Chance was pretty routine stuff, but Palance really dominates in his scenes. When Second Chance was hitting theaters Palance was already well known for the killer role he played in Shane. Although Second Chance gives him quite a bit more dialog, Jack still conveys a chilling meanness that you don't forget.

The film was shot in 3-D and it was one that Howard Hughes personally produced. Even without the 3-D on television the final sequence involving all the principal players in a cable car accident will leave you breathless.

Second Chance is a nicely constructed adventure tale with some good location cinematography in Cuernavaca and Tasco in old Mexico. The film holds up well after almost 60 years and definitely recommended for fans of Mitchum, Darnell, and Palance.
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