A Churning Urn of Burning Garbage
10 September 2011
Here is yet another movie without a plot, a script, or acting, that somehow has achieved "cult status." Don't get me wrong. I love James Taylor (Note the Summary Title). I love car movies. I love Warren Oates and Harry Dean.

But this movie is a hot, steaming pile of dog doo.

Two drifters have a car and occasionally race it. Other than that, the most notable thing about the movie is that in every conversation at least one person is sullenly staring off into space. That person is Taylor if he is in the scene. But it can also be the girl or the mechanic.

Oates is a wonder. He keeps you interested with his wild stories of how he got his car and where he is going. But he gets little help from the rest of the cast.

Harry Dean probably showed up drunk on the wrong set one day, and they decided to write him in. His very small part seems out of place even in such a low-rent road movie. Shameful abuse of a talented lush.

I don't ask much from car road movies. I love Vanishing Point. I'll watch Opie wreck cars. I fell in love with Crazy Mary. I love Roadside Prophets. But this movie has BO Plenty.

When I originally saw the movie, I thought something had gone wrong at the ending. And I cheered. But it became clear that, no, nothing was wrong. This was the director's idea of how to end a movie. And so I turned my cheer into a Bronx cheer.

See this movie if you love James Taylor, but not his music. See this movie if you want to see Harry Dean play yet another homosexual hitchhiker. See this movie if your idea of an ending is something similar to "and then I woke up."

Otherwise steer clear of this turkey, and spend your time on much more compelling movies such as "The Three Stooges Go West" or "Everybody Poops."
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