Demon Under Glass (2002 Video)
A Touching Look At Monsters...Both Human and Fabled...
4 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As will appear in the February 2012 issue of Twisted Dreams Magazine...

A most unique movie…a caring but troubling look at human nature and what – at times - makes us the monsters…

I've been a huge fan of Jason Carter since his days on Babylon 5, as Ranger, Marcus Cole. He brought a great sense to that role, believable and comedic as well, so when I saw him as the main character in this movie, I was hooked.

But then I saw the supporting cast…and one name stood out…Garett Maggart. Blair Sandburg will forever be one of my favorite TV characters, and to this day, I still miss the TV show, The Sentinel.

So buying this movie was a no-brainer and I'm glad I did.

Simon Molinar is a Vampire…a prostitute-murdering, blood-drinking psychopath…who isn't a psychopath at all…though that's a really difficult conclusion to come to, after one learns of the trail of bodies he's left in his feeding wake.

He's a Vampire…pure and simple and he simply chooses prostitutes as his food of choice.

When he's captured by the team of Dr. Hirsch (whose character is only in the movie very briefly, but his importance is NOT lost in the story) who has been studying Vampires for years and has wanted one for his own to study even more in-depth, you get a glimpse into what we all know about the human race in general…we are and can be the monsters…and much worse than the ones in fables.

Simon is extremely intelligent and patient with his treatment (and at times, torture) and even agrees to help Dr. Bassett (Donner) with the study, he swore to take up, in Dr. Hirsch's stead.

Not bad for a soulless, damned, creature of darkness.

I can tell you, while most of the acting wasn't stellar by any means, the chemistry between the murdering Vampire, Molinar (Carter) and Dr. Joe McKay (Maggart) a young doctor who finds himself in way over his head and torn between feeling sorry for his patient and later on, his guilt at helping a murderer, was nothing short of incredible.

At no time in an independently-made movie, have I seen such chemistry, such ease in acting roles that come across as completely realistic and I applaud both men.

It's a shame that neither could get the recognition they both deserved for pulling off, what had to be, uncomfortable roles for each of them.

Maggart is completely believable as a doctor and seems to slip into the role as easily as a real doctor would.

If you have watched many movies with "actor doctors" in them, you know what I mean. Touching people seems to be rigid and embarrassing for them, not to mention wooden and distracted and caring (as doctors are supposed to be) seems to be even more so…yet Maggart pulls off a staggeringly realistic performance as the young, Dr. McKay, who wants nothing more than to take care of his patient, complete with extremely believable, hands-on "treatment."

It's a performance not to be missed and shows a real "comfort" level between the two men that one rarely gets to glimpse in major Hollywood productions, let alone in indie movies.

I also have to say that I've read the IMDb reviews of this movie and simply don't see the necessity of the harsh reviews.

So many people complain about bad lighting. Not sure where that came from, as I thought the lighting was more than adequate. Same for the film itself; I liked the more, "documentary" feel of the film rather than the antiseptic, Hollywood film that is most commonly accepted in the industry.

I also feel that all the attacks on Jack Donner's performance are downright, stupid. He played the part of a secretly sadistic, but eager- to-learn, curious, scientist with great realty.

All-in-all, those three characters make up for any lack of adequacy in any other parts of the movie.

I highly recommend it.

I give this movie a 7 out of a twisted 10 and have watched it numerous times since I purchased it and plan to watch it numerous more. Give it a watch. You won't be disappointed…

~Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc for Twisted Dreams Magazine
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