Boggy Creek (2010)
Five stars for Creature Effects, but that's about it
5 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I must say that this film seemed to have it all: a great new imagining on the Killer Big Foot genre, and reawakening a classic! The location was awesome, and the trailer for this movie really grabbed me. I saw an article on Dreadcentral about the creature Fx, and I knew this was going to be the best Big Foot movie ever made.

boy was I wrong. The movie was nothing like I expected it to be. The story got too caught up on the B.S. of some emotionally disturbed chick and her daddy issues. It was more like watching a French coming of age teen drama than an American made monster movie. I found myself fast forwarding through the eternally long scene where this girl wanders through the house while an out of tune piano tortures the audience. I kept waiting for the sightings of Big Foot.

I did not like the characters, they did not interest me at all. And there seemed to be pieces of the story missing. A lot of holes. Not that I gave a damn about the story, because I bought the movie to see the monster. Where is the monster?

FINALLY! We see the monster. It's a pretty bad ass monster! Facades FX created the creature FX and the gore for the kills, and they did a KICK ASS JOB! they saved this movie for me. The kills were great, the creature was great, but there wasn't enough of either. Also, there is a kill pictured on the DVD box, but it was not in the movie. That disappointed me.

The Behind the scenes footage and interview with the FX man Phil Nichols along with what few scenes of the creature there were, made the price of the purchase worth it for me. But I am hesitant to recommend this title to anyone based on the plot or cinematography or other elements. The scenes seemed somewhat blown out at times, and it had a lot of continuity problems (it's raining, now it's not, it's raining, now it's not... it's night, no it's day, oh wait it's night again).

I'm not sure what the screenwriter and director had in mind, but this wasn't what Boggy Creek / Big Foot/ Monster fans were expecting. So I will give it five stars for the creature effects, but that is about it.

Let's hope they learned their lesson with the Zombies V. Humans that is due out soon from this same group.
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