Kraft Suspense Theatre: The Trains of Silence (1965)
Season 2, Episode 28
I almost forgot what I came here for
5 November 2011
***SPOILERS*** Traveling all the way from Vancouver Canada to see his old collage chum Wolfe Hastings, Llyod Bochner, geologist Fred Girard,Jeffery Hunter,is surprised to find out that Hastings isn't interesting in seeing him. In fact Hastings hasn't seen anyone outside of his #1 man Mark Wilton,Warren Stevens, for the last five years! As Girard soon finds out from Hastings' personal secretary Lee Anne Wickheimer, Tippy Hedren, that her boss has completely gone wacko and locked himself up in his 15th floor penthouse spending all his time listening to recordings of steam engine whistles as well as plane train and car crashes!

It turns out that the guy Wolfe Hastings is nuts all right and his loyal #1 man Mark Wilton is doing everything possible to make him even nuttier then he already is. So nuts that Hastings will soon end up in a mental institution with Wilton then taking over his vast empire of hotels train and ship lines as well as McDonald Burger King and Wendy's franchises. With Girard insisting to see his friend from collage Wolfe Hastings Wilton has his goons work him over and have a fifth of booze forced down his throat not only getting Girard dead drunk but in Wilton planning to have him dropped to the street below from Hastings' 15th floor penthouse! Thus making Girard's death look,in Girard being drunk and losing his balance, that he accidentally fell to his death after an evening of wild partying!

***SPOILERS***It's non other then Wolfe himself who rushes to his friend Girard's rescue dressed in what looks like a Ninja assassin outfit-minus the samurai sword- when he finally realizes what his #1 man, Mark Wilton, has planned for him. But it was really Lee Anne, who we soon find out is Wilton's kid sister, who by now is sick and tired of Wilton's crazy and deadly plans to get rich quick, by taking over Hastings holdings, who gets the police to rush to the Hasting penthouse and put the cuffs on her brother Mark Wilton and his goons. That's before they do any more damage, like getting someone killed or murdered, then they already did.
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