Dodsworth (1936)
Doddsworth is Loyal to a Fault -- and What a Fault She Is!!
12 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This old guy and his wife are deeply in love. Then she's not. Old guy puts up with it until she files for divorce. Then he gets a younger woman. Then his wife says come back, so he does. But she treats him like crap, and he ditches her for the young stuff. Young stuff doesn't mind that he dumped her for the snotty wife, and she takes him back. The end.

Great movie, but it's not a "love story." It's the tale of a strong man who faced a failing marriage.

Some have questioned why Maria Ouspenskaya got an Oscar nomination over Mary Astor. Ms. Ouspenskaya's role is critical. Wifey needs a reason to run back to hubby. Ms. Ouspenskaya's role provides that reason.

But why no nomination for Astor? Because her role is not needed. This movie is about the growth and change of Huston. With or without Astor, Huston would have gotten off that boat.

Some have questioned why Astor and Huston didn't get more screen time to develop their romance. Again, that is because this is not a love story. This is about the growth of Doddsworth. He stayed loyal to his wife up to the very end, and when the end came, that's when he started messing with Astor's character.

I like Astor, but Doddsworth could have taken up fishing, and the movie would have been the same.

I think Sinclair Lewis was being tricky. Wifey leaves hubby. Wifey says come back. Hubby drops new love and runs back. Now new love stays true. Hubby runs back to new love. Now that he is back, will their new relationship last any longer than when hubby ran back to wifey just a few scenes back? Personally, if I was a woman, I would not welcome back a man who had just dumped me to run back to his wife and then dumped his wife to run back to me. If this is a love story, it is part of the women-with-low-self-esteem genre.

Rarely is a movie so well written and well acted. Everyone associated with the film was outstanding, but Huston stands high above everyone else.

Small criticisms: 1, Doddsworth could have knocked a few guys down. 2, Doddsworth could have improved wifey's disposition with a grapefruit and a few words of advice from Cagney. 3, Why does Astor constantly look like somebody ran over her kitty?

I give this movie a strong 10 out of 10 stars.
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