Review of Twilight

Twilight (I) (2008)
It Is What It Is
13 November 2011
******Seven Out of Ten******

Upset movie goers need lay off this film, as it's clearly billed as a teenage "chic-flick". So what do people expect when they go into to see the film? Gratuitous sex? Buckets of blood? Over the top profanity? Give me a break. "Twilight" lives up to exactly what it's billed as: A teenage vampire love story. I went expecting these things and received exactly that. The other major complaint registered by film goers relates to the way in which the vampires are portrayed: A much tamer, furrier version than most of us are accustomed to. I was fine with the vampire characteristics in "Twilight"; it was a refreshing change of pace. Why in the hell do vampires need to be exactly the same in every horror film ever made? It's actually not a bad idea to tweek monster norms, in a day and age in American film inundated by terrible remakes and other recycled ideas. So just back off "Twilight" people and direct your criticism more appropriately at main stream studios refusing to financé any new budding horror creators or any fresh horror ideas that don't guarantee a fast buck.
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