Toby on the plantation
16 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Its been about 3 weeks since I saw this movie but I am compelled to write.

I would put PA1 as the best, PA2 as slightly less, and PA3 as slightly less than that in terms of quality. However, I think all 3 movies are far superior to other horror crap out there.

So even thought I loved the movies, I have to rant about PA3, but don't think I did not like it. I did.

In PA1 we had an evil entity that was completely unfathomable as to how it thought. It was a GREAT alien, evil character, living on a plane of reality we could not imagine.

By PA3 we learn that "Toby" is just a lackey for a witch coven. He is merely a step and fetch it demon for the grandmother. This takes away any kind of evil intelligence "Toby" might have had, and makes the entity a less impressive character. I am not as frightened of Toby, because now I know he is just "doing as he is told". What a horrible story idea. Also, now we have to ask - why summon the demon at all? Why have it torture your daughter or granddaughter if the idea is just to produce a male child? It makes no sense at all. At least with a smart and powerful demon, it becomes more chilling if it does things that seem irrational TO US, but not to it. Anyone agree with me?
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