Skillfully Made, Not Just a Bunch of Mindless Action
22 December 2011
It's not an intricate plot like a thriller, but it's also not a tedious chase film with no substance. Yet, it has the most brilliantly conceived and choreographed action gags, very much in line with what you would expect an animation writer to be exceptional at.

The production values are high, but it's not just a bunch of mindless action and karate chopping thugs that bore you to tears; it has a story involving launch codes. It's a fun ride, wonderfully edited. Very hard to tell the real shots from the fake, except in one obvious visual effect scene, where I personally would have chosen to combine miniatures or models and combine it with CGI, instead of just going all-digital. Enagaging, without being unfamiliar or taxing. NOT a Cruise fan, but he does a nice job.

Great cast including Anil Kapoor for you "24" fans, and Slumdog admirers. "The girl" is played by the beautiful Paula Patton and what modern movie is made these days without Tom Wilkinson, who gets a day and a half's worth of work in as a D.C. poltical operator.

I saw it in IMAX. Worth it!
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