Enjoyable peplum romp
2 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
With perennial bridesmaid Battaglia the nominal star, a virtual who's who of peplums finest supporting players are given their chance to shine (and it should be noted this film is missing from many CV's on the IMDb).

There must have been some mix-up in the casting department the day that Chelo Alonso was cast as an Arab princess while Liana Orfei was given the role of a feisty Spanish dancer, but casting curiosities aside this is a highly enjoyable romp, with the unimportant plot having something to do with battles between French nobility, Spanish gypsies and Arabian infidels.

Anyone who studied Othello at school may be somewhat confused by a distinct lack of moors!

The (rather posh) English language version available from Atlas Visuals has been dubbed on top of, rather than in place of, the Italian original, giving the effect that there are constantly people talking in the background, amusing at first but it does begin to grate after awhile (adding to the confusion the opening credits are in German!).
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