Review of Avatar

Avatar (2009)
Almost flawless
5 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I will have to give this movie at ten, because there is only one scene that I don't like, and everything else about it is so beyond superb.

Though this scene makes me cringe a little bit:

*spoiler* the part where those big dinosaur beasts come to the rescue, I find it a bit cheesy. The music with a sort of "TATTARAAAH" used makes the scene even worse. I like the idea of Eywa giving a helping hand but this scene turned out bad.

OK, another thing I don't like is the end title song.

Anyway, why do I find this movie so fantastic? First off, I can't help to like a movie where there are blue beautiful nature loving aliens on a really otherworldly planet, and a movie where big corporations are the bad guys. What's not to love? This movie is very easy for me to like just for those reasons.

But this movie totally blew my mind visually also, it worked wonderfully as a 3d movie. And wow, the dialog! The wonderful so typical Cameronish dialog which really sits with you for a long time. I especially liked Colonel Miles Quaritch speech.

This movie has an important message, other than that we should stop plundering the earth. Cameron is a genius, and it seems many people are not seeing this one.

The Na'vi connects with their planet with some sort of neurological connection. It has a lot of similarities on how indigenous people around our planet connects with the earth. Instead of connecting their braids with weird tentacle thingies (lol) they take hallucinogens or go on shamanic journeys. Nature plays such a huge role for these people, not just because they use it as a resource, but it is also a teacher. A really important one, if you destroy their habitat you are also destroying their souls. We have seen this happen so many times.

This movie also really shows in a harsh way our disabilities on how disconnected we are from the natural world around us.

"No one can teach you to see." To really find these subtle messages you need to feel the movie.

I also like the similarities between night time on Pandora, with bio luminescent lights and awesome colors, and what the jungle looks like on ayahuasca. Try and google Pablo Amaringo if you have never experienced it.

The music throughout the movie is also splendid, it gives a lot of depth.

I really liked the way the Na'vi looked with their Maasai-like features, they really feed the imagination , also made me want to just kick off my shoes and go frolicking in the woods.

Thanks Cameron for bringing out such an important movie in such urgent times.
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