Trailer Park Boys (2001–2018)
Best reality show ever made.
26 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Superbly crafted to resemble something authentically amateurish, Trailer Park Boys is in fact the best reality show ever made in English. Why do I call it a reality show? Because like reality shows, it pretends to show actual people while in fact being scripted. The irony here is that a show that set out to mock a particular genre ended up leading the class.

Every single character in the show is interesting, and every single character is unique. Jim Lahey is absolutely sublime; Philadelphia Collins is stunning; Sam Losco is inimitable, and the list goes on. The boys themselves are of course without peer.

Although some would warn parents against letting young children watch TPB, in my view it is poseurs, marginally literate progressive social thinkers, and clueless concerned moralists that are more at risk. If this is you, have a touch more white wine and tune into NPR instead.

For everyone else, a strong recommendation!
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