Amazing... Eye opening
3 March 2012
I just wanted to write a response to the Review floating around from TVGUY that said it was "OK". First off, just because you're showing images of sexualized women, doesn't mean it's going against what the film is for. THEY'RE showing you the exact images that are being consumed by the masses, and THEN backing it up with evidence of how detrimental it is to women and men. If you don't want your girl seeing it in the context of it being negative then that's your prerogative; but at least they aren't glamorizing it... you think your little girl won't see it somewhere else? It's basically PLASTERED in our minds.

This was a great movie... it broke down the stereotypes and misogyny in the industry and really dissects the machine that controls the masses; media. Not only does it focus on Women's oppression, but also on the monopoly that the media has become... it's quite scary how controlling and how much dominance this institution has on the masses and consequently the public realm and government. This is no man hating by any means, they even draw the connections on how men are oppressed because of the oppression of women. EVERYONE should watch this... truly enlightening. If you think misogyny and female oppression is the only thing the Machine pushing and is the only problem going on then you're wrong... Oppression and violence will not be rid of in societies until we begin to hold the media and said institutions accountable. Anything corporations get a hold of turns into complete crap. Start thinking with your own minds, maybe then will you truly live a happy life and provide a safe place for both daughters AND sons.
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