Mad Men: A Little Kiss, Part 2 (2012)
Season 5, Episode 2
The return of an old friend...
26 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
You know that feeling when you run into someone you haven't seen for a while and it's a little strange at first, but after a while you feel like you want to grab a drink with them? That you somehow forgot how great of a person they are or that they are extremely entertaining to be around? You may even want to put on a suit and bust out chain smoking with them.

OK, maybe the last part only refers to my feelings last night, but the return of "Mad Men" on AMC, after 17 months of no new episodes, gave me this exact feeling. As the episode began, and we had moved forward a few years in the narrative, I felt like I didn't recognize my old friend. These characters and places are different. Is this still the show I loved for four full seasons?

But it didn't take long for my old friend to tell me some funny anecdotes and draw me back in with some drama we haven't enjoyed together since our younger years. And while each character has changed, new characters have joined the picture, and a lot has happened since we last interacted, this is the same "Mad Men" that I came to love and form a solid friendship with.

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