Review of Päämaja

Päämaja (1970)
Battles outside the battlefields
3 April 2012
This movie takes to the headquarters, where Commander-in-Chief, C.G.E. Mannerheim is making his decisions considering the war.Whether those decisions were right or not, historians can argue about that.Päämaja (1970) is a Matti Kassila film.It's based on Ilmari Turja's play from 1966, which I haven't read.This movie works due to strong performances by its actors.Joel Rinne makes a perfect Mannerheim.This was actually the last film role he did.Jussi Jurkka got a Jussi award from his performance as Quartermaster general Airo.Tamara Lund is wonderful as Lotta Markovilla, even though that one scene with her singing didn't quite serve the story.Martti Pennanen is great as Chief of General Headquarters Erik Heinrichs.Leif Wager is very good as Aladár Paasonen, military attaché in Sweden.It was pretty enjoyable to watch Veijo Pasanen as Wounded soldier.And it was nice to listen to Ossi Ahlapuro's singing.Heikki Kinnunen brings in some comedy as Orderly in the comb scene.Matti Kassila himself is seen as Colonel with shaking hand at dinner.Also Jyrki Kovaleff and Anssi Mänttäri are seen in the movie.Overall pretty good, yet flawed wartime movie.
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