Impressive art student animation.
11 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sebastian's Voodoo starts as a line of stuffed Voodoo doll's wait, they see a man grab one of them & stick pins in him. The little Voodoo doll dies, the other's become increasingly anxious but one manages to escape & senses freedom but as he watches another Voodoo doll like himself be pinned to death can he let his other fellow Voodoo doll's suffer the same painful death?

Witten, produced & directed by Joaquin Baldwin who also animated it Sebastian's Voodoo is a short four minute CGI computer animated tale of a Voodoo doll who turns the table on his human creator & gives him a piece of his own medicine in order to save his other Voodoo doll kin. As far as Sebastian's Voodoo goes it works perfectly well, it's sort of cute yet creepy, it's sort of charming yet also quite sad & I liked the basic concept of a Voodoo doll turning the tables on it's human owner in a very apt way. If you've got four minutes to spare then definitely give it a watch, hell I have to wait longer than four minutes to catch the bloody bus to work every day so a mere four minutes is hardly any sort of hardship. Bleak & tragic in a cute sort of way I liked this.

Apparently made on a budget of $2,000 at the UCLA School of Film and Television as a second year project Sebastian's Voodoo has humble beginnings but doesn't look out of place amongst bigger budgeted professional competition. The animation is great, sure it can't reach the heights of Pixar & Toy Story for instance but it's better than many of the CGI computer animated rubbish that pass for children's television these days (although to be fair the length probably has something to do with that, being only four minutes the makers could invest a lot of time & effort in every frame whereas if you have twenty thirty minute episodes of a kid's television programme to make on a low budget & on a tight schedule then it becomes a lot harder). There is no dialogue in Sebastian's Voodoo & it's credit to the animation that every emotion & the entire story is relayed through the movement of the character's.

Sebastian's Voodoo is a cute little animation with a slightly grim subject matter & downbeat end but the story is a nice play on traditional expectation. I liked it & it only lasts for four minutes so what's to complain about?
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